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Useful Tips

Do you know what can be recycled?


Published on March 21, 2019.-

In a world where sustainable development is committed, recycling is of great importance. In the Santiago Recicla program, they highlight that, if a person separates their waste on a daily basis, a large part of the materials can be recovered and later reused, recycled or used. If this activity is not carried out, they will end up in a sanitary landfill and cannot be given a second life, following the concept of circular economy.

It is not the same garbage and waste. Waste has the potential to be recovered. Instead, garbage is any object or material that has no value to anyone.

To take into consideration, there are recyclable, compostable, special handling and non-recyclable items. Among the recyclables are papers, cardboard, newspapers and magazines; cartons for drinks; Glass; cans and metals, and plastics, such as PET, HDPE and LDPE, among many others. Compostables, for their part, consider plant debris, such as fruits, vegetables, coffee and tea leftovers or egg shells, in addition to all waste from pruning and maintenance of green areas. Those of special handling contemplate electrical or electronic waste, such as electrical appliances, lighting devices and electrical toys, among others.

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