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Hidronor News

Circular Economy and Industrial Waste Seminar: Hidronor contributed its vision on the generation of environmental value in waste management


Published on June 12, 2019.

Improving the management of industrial waste, with the aim of valuing it and incorporating it into the dynamics of the circular economy was the central theme of the Seminar on Circular Economy and Industrial Waste that was held on June 11 at the Sheraton Hotel in Viña del Mar.

This meeting, organized by InduAmbiente and sponsored by Hidronor, featured presentations by specialists from the public sector and who, in addition to analyzing the regulatory framework that exists in Chile for the management of industrial waste and the efforts that are being made from public policies to promote reuse, recycling and recovery of industrial waste, presented various technologies and alternatives to optimize this task.

Gonzalo Veslásquez, Environment Manager, together with Denisse Triviños, Head of the Mining and Smelting Area in the central area, both from Hidronor, held an exhibition on the generation of environmental value in waste management in a circular economy. His presentation had a excellent reception from the public. 

"Our company aims to be an ally strategic for the industry in this matter, implementing lines that allow to promote the recovery of waste. For this reason it is of the utmost It is important for us to participate in these instances, where we can transmit the commitment we have with the environment and with sustainable management of the waste ”, pointed out Gonzalo Velásquez, after his intervention. 

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