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Industry News

Seremi MMA calls for the registration and declaration of its industrial waste

Seremi MMA hace llamado a registrar y declarar sus residuos industriales

Published on August 03, 2017.-

The Seremi of the Environment, María Eliana Vega, called on the producers and importers of the Maule Region to declare the activities of their company, in accordance with what was agreed in the Recycling Law, in order to reduce the generation of waste and promote its reuse, recycling and other types of recovery. 

As indicated by the REP Law, manufacturers and merchants of six types of priority products stipulated in the regulations, will have the obligation to inform the Ministry of the Environment about the amount of products they sell in the country in a period of one year. Likewise, the private sector will have to notify their activities about the transfer of waste that they carry out at the same time. In addition, they must indicate whether the collection and recovery management is individual or collective in their companies.

The initiative will establish responsibilities to producers, importers and authorities regarding the conservation of the environment. As a consequence of this law, waste will become a valuable resource, helping to promote a circular economy, by being able to be integrated again into a production chain that ends in a completely different product.  

Source: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente


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