Canal Venta Telefónica



Export and incineration of waste

At Hidronor we offer various solutions

for the treatment of hazardous waste to our clients, which are:

Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides and halogenated residues, among others.

At Hidronor we are authorized to manage the elimination of persistent organic pollutant waste abroad. We have a facility specially designed and enabled to carry out the preliminary procedures for temporary storage, reconditioning and subsequent elimination of persistent organic waste in treatment and disposal establishments governed by quality and high technology standards located abroad, specifically in Europe.

To make this effective, waste and equipment must be subjected to a series of handling operations that make it possible to transfer, store and export safely and in accordance with national and international regulations, including the temporary storage of the equipment; consolidation in maritime containers; transportation to the port area, and subsequent cross-border movement by sea.

Once the waste has reached the country of destination, it will be disposed of using the high temperature incineration method with gas control. The incineration process consists of offering optimal combustion conditions that guarantee high removal efficiencies for each of the persistent organic compounds present in the waste.

The export and incineration service is carried out in accordance with the Basel Convention, in an environmentally correct manner and subject to current legislation. Some wastes that are managed for export and incineration are: transformers / condensers contaminated with askarel or Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), oils and other elements contaminated with PCBs, pesticides, refrigerant gases that damage the ozone layer, among others.

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