Industry News

They present a compensation system to promote the reduction of pollutants


An important state department unveiled the “Green Tax Emissions Compensation System” (SCE), a tool that promises to advance the fight against pollution and the promotion of a sustainable economy with nature and people's health. 

It is worth remembering that in 2017 Chile became the first South American country to tax CO2 emissions through the so-called “green tax”. Now, as a result of a legal modification (established by Law 21,210) that came into effect this year 2023, a compensation system for emissions from fixed sources was established, which not only has the potential to improve air quality and protect health. of citizens, but will also promote the transformation of the industry towards more environmentally friendly practices through the implementation of sustainable projects throughout the country.

Thus, this “Green Tax Emissions Compensation System” opens the possibility for taxpayers to offset emissions from fixed sources taxed with the green tax by presenting emission reduction certificates of the same pollutant. This will allow resources to be mobilized from polluters towards carbon neutrality, thus improving air quality. Likewise, landfills with methane capture, electrification of public and private transportation, heater replacement or thermal insulation projects will be promoted.

As Hidronor we celebrate this initiative, joining these efforts with our technology at the forefront of industrial processes in Chile, and highlighting our state-of-the-art treatment plants and the highly qualified team of professionals we have to provide comprehensive advice on the matter . At Hidronor we are committed to sustainability!


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