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Let's work together to commemorate World Environmental Education Day!


Posted on January 26, 2021.

Since 1972, when it was carried carried out the Declaration of the United Nations Conference, in Stockholm, It was stipulated that every January 26 is commemorated all over the planet World Environmental Education Day. 

Since then there are multiple activities that each country carries out this day in order to massify the knowledge of environmental problems around the world, seeking that the people and governments raise awareness and increase contributions to conserve and protect the environment.

In Chile, specifically in the Metropolitan Region, the Seremi del Medio Ambiente is in charge of the Management and Environmental Education of its inhabitants, and to comply with the objective of the commemoration of this day, the Ministry of the Environment created four instances to encourage environmental education: the Fund for Environmental Protection (FPA), the School Environmental Certification program Sustainable, the Municipal Environmental Certification System (SCAM), and the accompaniment in the processes of Citizen Participation.

These programs have brought very beneficial results for the inhabitants of the 52 communes of the RM. What For example, 50 of them managed to obtain their Municipal Environmental Certification through the SCAM system during 2020, with actions such as: strengthening its Environmental Units, carry out civil servant training, promote projects environmental issues in the communes, among others.

At Hidronor we work day by day to provide a quality service that generates positive contributions to the care and repair of the environment, and we invite citizens to participate in small actions in favor of the care of our ecosystem, such as applying the rule of 3R: reduce, reuse and recycle.



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